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Image of red toothbrush

Do you suffer from bleeding gums?

Bleeding from the mouth can be the result of gum disease otherwise known as gingivitis or from a wound eg. an ulcer. It isn’t normal and very important that the source of bleeding is diagnosed and a plan formed to stop it.

Sometimes vigorous brushing or using a hard-bristled toothbrush can result in bleeding from the traumatised gum. To help with this, use salt water mouth rinses and switch to a soft-bristled toothbrush.

Bleeding when flossing or brushing can also be a sign of gingivitis! It is very common for patients to stop flossing when bleeding is noticed however the best treatment is to continue flossing and brushing regularly as the bleeding will eventually stop.

Periodontitis is when the gum disease ‘gingivitis’ progresses to affect the bone around the teeth. When this occurs, the bacteria can sit further down onto the root surface of the teeth causing surrounding gum inflammation and associated bone loss. If the hard bacterial deposits (calculus) on the root surfaces of the teeth are not professionally removed the disease continues to progress. Eventually the teeth can become loose and will be lost. Along with loose teeth, it can cause bad breath and be painful in the later stages of the disease.

Our recommendations include:

1. Brush at least twice a day

2. Floss at least once a day (ideally at night)

3. Limit snacking between meals because these are ‘sugar attacks’

4. Avoid sugary foods and drinks (this can also help general health!)

5. Stop all tobacco use as this can make patients more prone to periodontal disease

6. Get regular dental checkups as anything mentioned can be picked up early enough to treat!
